I am beginning to sound like a broken record.

I am beginning to sound like a broken record. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies should no longer ignore these threats.  No one should tolerate threats. Period. It’s obvious I am no fan of Samantha Markle or her father or brother. But I certainly have never wish then ill or harm. When people made fun of her pictured as a teen sitting in front of her mother’s mobile home I defended Samantha and her mother. Samantha and Thomas Jr.’s mother had a hard task of dealing with a divorce and two teenagers on her hands. Roslyn did the best she could with what she had. And bless that woman for now raising her amazing granddaughter Noel. Looks like Noel is growing up to be a wonderful young lady and there will be only one person to thank for that – her grandmother Roslyn. If someone lives in a mobile home who cares? Are you really going to mock someone for having LESS than you? Weeks ago someone DMed me a picture of Cristina Cain’s home and egged me on to tweet it next to Samantha’s and say something nasty. I said that’s not my jam and declined. They still posted the picture and it was forced down shortly thereafter. Come to find out this “Megulator” was actually a Megxit troll in disguise.

I have been skipping (replaying) in the same place since roughly the last weekend in October 2018. Cristina Cain I’ve said more than enough about but like a dog with a bone she is not letting go. If only she put as much effort into her career as she does trolling people on Twitter she would and could be a world class PR guru.  The Sun tabloid has recycled a story first mentioned on October 3rd, 2018. That Meghan Markle fans have threatened Samantha’s life by saying they will throw acid in her face. If memory serves it was on a British web group chat site. I can’t say for sure because it’s never been published. Like the heart attack, paparazzi chased car accident (where Mark Phillips claimed Samantha’s ankle was broken and she was pictured with a LARGE bag resting on her lap), the clothing line, podcast and so many other things it seems made up or at least embellished. I think the timing of Samantha being placed on a “watch list” by Scotland Yard is also suspect.  These claims by Samantha Markle – who has at last count TEN TWITTER accounts. Count them – 10! Who needs THAT many accounts? I have one and can barely keep up. Then again Twitter isn’t my life. I can’t spend 15 hours a say online, let alone Twitter. acidthesun

If anyone at anytime is threatened and all authorities should be contacted IMMEDIATELY.  If you do contact the authorities you can be sure of two things: 1. The FBI or other agency will not be calling you every hour with a play by play. Odds are they won’t tell you anything while they are investigating and 2. They will tell you (very clearly) DO NOT ENGAGE OR CONTACT people who are mentioned in your complaint/report. All of this information is available on the FBI website but is also common knowledge. Which odd since Samantha’s PR head posted this tweet from her shadow-banned account recently. kk

If Samantha Markle or anyone in her life has been threatened she needs to contact the FBI immediately and bring whoever make such awful statements/threats brought to justice. If Interpol or any other agency can help depending on what country the threats came from. It’s no longer enough to print something in a tabloid or newspaper. These are dangerous times and things like death threats should not be taken lightly or dealt with capriciously.  So if Emma Parry who wrote the story in today’s Sun has information that she feels needs to be shared with the FBI or authorities she should make that call today. This is not something to be shrugged off or just say “Bullshit!” These are very serious claims and I hope they are taken seriously and the culprit(s) arrested and brought to justice.


On a side note it seems someone has been trying to hack into my Twitter account. But it was caught within two minutes, I verified who I was, changed my password and logged out all devices. I suspect it’s the person who is looking to dox me like they have tried (and failed miserably) with others. I don’t think she has gotten one person’s ID correct. IP numbers are not like social security numbers and linked to one person and one person only. Remember Google is your friend: never stop learning.


2 thoughts on “I am beginning to sound like a broken record.

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  1. awesome post again, coco! 🙂

    i agree 100% on all of it…
    despite disliking scam immensely, i see no point in the derogatory/facetious remarks re: the trailer home pic.
    making fun based on a person’s financial situation or class status is tacky to me…
    if a person(s) is raising kids (esp more than 1) & working to pay the bills & put food on the table to provide & care for their family, that’s all that matters…not what their home looks like.
    & yeah, i have never made direct death threats or even gone the way of: “i wish someone would just push her wheelchair off a cliff…w/ her in it” remark that i’ve spotted a couple times from other users. i don’t go there.
    i have never disliked someone so great that i would wish death on their soul…
    scammy deserves all of the negative press & comments that she’s getting (& then some), make NO mistake…but wishing her dead is beyond, imho.
    that said…
    scammy follows, likes & retweets the very group of ppl who have attacked meg relentlessly & wished horrible things (inc: miscarriage & death) on her 1/2 sis, meg…& seems to have no qualms about it…so, before crying victim, she needs to stop & take a look at her own behavior, practice what she preaches & stop being a GIGANTIC FUCKING HYPOCRITE…

    …but i won’t hold my breath on that one.
    it’ll be business as usual, bc, let’s face it…
    samantha markle is a nasty narcissistic raging thunder-cunt.


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